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  Hello, This is Muhammet, I am a product oriented from-scratch
  web-developer. It's my hobby to think about new ideas and
  implement prototypes.

  Some of the things I like: Python (Django/Flask),
  Linux, Emacs, Restful Services, Data Science (R/Python),
  Html, SASS, Javascript (React/Jquery) and Sketch.

  PS. Yes you are reading the source markup of the page you are
  looking at. If you want to learn the details look at the repo
  @ https://github.com/jeffisabelle/my-blog-engine-2
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    <title>Muhammet Can :: Personal Blog</title>
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              <article class="animated fadeInRight">
                <a href="/cool-domains-with-a-little-bit-hack">
                  <h2 class="l">Cool Domains with a Little Bit Hack</h2>
                <p class="l">I hate domain business. I honestly do. Every single time I come up with an idea, I instantly look for a domain that is catchy enough and suitable for the project. But it usually end up already taken or listed as premium for 1000$. I hate those premium domains.</p>

              <article class="animated fadeInRight">
                <a href="/less-design-more-posts">
                  <h2 class="l">Less Design, More Posts</h2>
                <p class="l">Last day, I redesigned my blog nth time. (where n > 5) It feels so bad that I redesign my blog more than actually writing to my blog. Generally, I do it because it's so much fun, no-one is in front of you, no clients, no boss, no partners. You do it as you wish & you do it for yourself.</p>

              <article class="animated fadeInRight">
                <a href="/my-thoughts-on-startup-weekend-izmir">
                  <h2 class="l">My Thoughts on Startup Weekend Izmir</h2>
                <p class="l">I had my first startup weekend experience last week at izmir. It was awesome to be there with a bunch of entrepreneurs and great mentors.</p>

              <article class="animated fadeInRight">
                <a href="/do-memory-optimizers-really-work">
                  <h2 class="l">Do Memory Optimizers Really Work?</h2>
                <p class="l">This blog post belongs to my Operating Systems course and it will be about the memory management on operating systems and ram optimizers.</p>

              <article class="animated fadeInRight">
                <a href="/the-real-usage-statistics-of-linux">
                  <h2 class="l">The Real Usage Statistics of Linux</h2>
                <p class="l">Back Story; Our Instructor, M. Selcuk Karaca force his students to write blog posts for lectures that he gave. (which is a good sign that the course will be very pragmatic) This is my first blog post for the course.</p>

              <article class="animated fadeInRight">
                <a href="/some-words-on-package-managers-wine-and-strace">
                  <h2 class="l">Some Words on Package Managers, Wine and Strace</h2>
                <p class="l">Hello, this blog post belongs to my operating systems course as homework 2. You can have a look at earlier posts for the course from the links below.</p>

              <article class="animated fadeInRight">
                <a href="/kernel-based-virtual-machines">
                  <h2 class="l">Kernel Based Virtual Machines</h2>
                <p class="l">This is my second blog post for the operating systems course. This will be a reflection paper for the Kernel Based Virtual Machine paper as homework one.</p>

              <article class="animated fadeInRight">
                <a href="/using-aspell-as-a-scrabble-helper">
                  <h2 class="l">Using Aspell as a Scrabble Helper</h2>
                <p class="l">This semester I'm taking Artificial Intelligence course at college. Last semester, when I was taking Data Mining, I did learn some of the classification and clustering Machine Learning algorithms, so I wanted to choose a project for AI class that is both challenging & pragmatical and does not contains ML in it.</p>

              <article class="animated fadeInRight">
                <a href="/subtitle-problems-on-ubuntu-linux">
                  <h2 class="l">Subtitle Problems on Ubuntu Linux</h2>
                <p class="l">If you are running a linux distro and you need subtitles when watching series and movies, it is more than likely that you have trouble with subtitles when it comes to non-english characters. The problem comes from character encoding, they usually encoded for windows codesets instead of utf-8 or similar.</p>

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Cool Domains with a Little Bit Hack

I hate domain business. I honestly do. Every single time I come up with an idea, I instantly look for a domain that is catchy enough and suitable for the project. But it usually end up already taken or listed as premium for 1000$. I hate those premium domains.

Less Design, More Posts

Last day, I redesigned my blog nth time. (where n > 5) It feels so bad that I redesign my blog more than actually writing to my blog. Generally, I do it because it's so much fun, no-one is in front of you, no clients, no boss, no partners. You do it as you wish & you do it for yourself.

The Real Usage Statistics of Linux

Back Story; Our Instructor, M. Selcuk Karaca force his students to write blog posts for lectures that he gave. (which is a good sign that the course will be very pragmatic) This is my first blog post for the course.

Kernel Based Virtual Machines

This is my second blog post for the operating systems course. This will be a reflection paper for the Kernel Based Virtual Machine paper as homework one.

Using Aspell as a Scrabble Helper

This semester I'm taking Artificial Intelligence course at college. Last semester, when I was taking Data Mining, I did learn some of the classification and clustering Machine Learning algorithms, so I wanted to choose a project for AI class that is both challenging & pragmatical and does not contains ML in it.

Subtitle Problems on Ubuntu Linux

If you are running a linux distro and you need subtitles when watching series and movies, it is more than likely that you have trouble with subtitles when it comes to non-english characters. The problem comes from character encoding, they usually encoded for windows codesets instead of utf-8 or similar.